
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama

Feel Good Reads

  • In the Eyes of Anahita: An Adventure in Search of Humanity, By Hugo Bonjean
  • A NEW EARTH: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, By Eckhart Tolle

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why the mind and the body?

With a special interest in mind-body medicine, I have learned that our mind has an immense control over our body and how it works on a daily basis. We are taught that our brain controls virtually all of the biological functions which occur in our bodies. When you are starving and need food, your brain sends out signals telling you to eat; when you are placed in a situation of danger to self, your brain sends out signals telling you to run; when it is prime mating time for your body, your brain sends out signals which increase your sexual drive. So where does the mind fit in? Well, there are different theories as to the true location of the mind, and this question may never be fully answered. But what we do know, is that when you think certain thoughts, or feel different emotions, particular and discreet areas of your brain are involved.

Whether it is cause or effect can be debated, but in essence, different firing patterns in your brain are associated with different thought patterns in your mind. If you believe then, that your mind runs through the same wiring as your brain, and your brain controls everything which happens in your body .. well it is logical to assume that your mind therefore, will have an influential effect on the control of your body.

But don't take my word for it. Let me give you some everyday examples. Your dog dies, you feel sad, and you cry. Sadness is an emotion, created by your mind which is directly correlated to crying which is physiological - a common example of the mind-body connection. When you have your heart broken, and you feel nauseous, this is another example of thoughts or feelings causing physical changes in your body.

The connection between mind and body is undeniable. Where does the control end? Well this is a hard question to answer, although research is constantly being done to try and answer questions about how this all works.

Not only am I here as a resource and a guide, to help you to find your own answers, but most importantly I am here to learn - so that one day I can be the best doctor to my patients by providing the most adequate holistic health care to them.

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